The Importance of Proper Walking Form

According to the Mayo Clinic, “An estimated 75 percent of Americans have foot pain at some point in their lives. Your feet are complex, containing 26 bones and more than 30 joints in each foot. All these bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments work together to enable you to walk, run and jump.” When any of these components are not working together properly, it can lead to pain and injury. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the proper way to walk. Heel-to-Toe or Toe-to-Heel?

There is debate on whether heel-to-toe or toe-to-heel is the proper way to walk. Many people were taught heel-to-toe because it supposedly decreases the chances of tripping. However, toe walking can be more beneficial because it provides a smoother and more efficient stride. When you walk heel-to-toe, your calf muscle works harder because it has to raise your foot higher with each step which can cause fatigue. When you walk toe-to-heel, your calf muscle works less because your foot doesn’t have to be raised as high. This method also allows your Achilles tendon and arch to work together which can prevent pain in the arch of your foot. The best way to find out which method is best for you is through trial and error. Experiment with both methods and see which one feels better for you.

Your feet are complex machines that enable you to get around every day. It’s important to take care of them by being aware of the proper way to walk. Whether you walk heel-to-toe or toe-to heel is up to you—the important thing is that you find what works best for you and stick with it. Taking good care of your feet now will pay off in the long run!

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian