Aristotle in 90 Minutes Summary (8/10)

In Aristotle in 90 Minutes, Paul Strathern challenges the conventional wisdom of the philosopher, who is often seen as remote, inaccessible, and aloof. Instead, Strathern argues that Aristotle is a very human thinker, full of passion and anger, who was shaped by his environment.argues that Aristotle is the cornerstone of modern philosophy. Strathern’s book is … Read more

Aristotle’s Ethics (A History of Western Philosophy)

There are two kinds of virtues: intellectual and moral, corresponding to the two parts of the soul. Intellectual virtues result from teaching, moral virtues from habit. To create a virtuous society, you must create laws that cause citizens to acquire good habits. With time, pleasure comes from performing these good habits.  The Golden Mean The … Read more

Aristotle’s Metaphysics (A History of Western Philosophy)

Aristotle is similar to Plato, but with more common sense. His argument for God’s existence is the First Cause: There must be something that begins motion, and this “something” must itself be unmoved and eternal. The object of desire and thought cause movement in this way without being in motion themselves. Unlike the billiard ball … Read more