A History of Western Philosophy Summary (9/10)

A History of Western Philosophy is an excellent book, and one that will teach you not only about philosophy, but about history and politics. And Bertrand Russell is not an impartial commentator, but one of the most respected philosophers in history – which makes this introduction to the best philosophers of the last two millennia … Read more

Kant (A History of Western Philosophy)

Before discussing Kant’s philosophy, Russell gives an overview of 18th century philosophy. British empiricists like Hume and Berkeley dominated philosophy in that century. But there was a conflict in these men, between their temper of mind and the tendency of their doctrines. They were socially minded, urbane and friendly. But their theoretical philosophy led to … Read more

Leibnitz (A History of Western Philosophy)

Lebinitz thought, like Voltaire’s Pangloss, that we live in the best of all possible worlds. He argued for God’s existence by using the ontological argument, which shows that the idea of a perfect being is possible. He wrote out a proof for this, including the quality of existence itself. Kant refuted it.  The cosmological argument … Read more

Descartes (A History of Western Philosophy)

René Descartes (1596–1650) is rightly considered the founder of modern philosophy. He is the first important philosopher whose outlook is deeply affected by the new physics and astronomy. While he retains much of scholasticism, he does not accept foundations laid by predecessors, but tries to construct a complete and novel philosophic edifice. This had not … Read more

Thomas Hobbes (A History of Western Philosophy)

Aside from Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes was a pragmatic political philosopher and even more pragmatic than Machiavelli he was an empiricist who also was mathematical.   Aversion is bad. Attraction is good. There is no objective morality, there is no theoretical way of mending two opposing points of view. There is no such thing as static … Read more

Francis Bacon (A History of Western Philosophy)

Francis Bacon’s most important book, The Advancement of Learning, is remarkably modern. He is commonly regarded as the originator of the saying ‘Knowledge is power’. The basis of his philosophy was practical: to give mankind mastery over the forces of nature by means of scientific discoveries and inventions. He held that philosophy should be separate … Read more

Machiavelli (A History of Western Philososphy)

Machiavelli was shocking, but other philosophers would be equally shocking if they were free from bullshit. Such honesty about political dishonesty would have been hardly possible in another age, except perhaps in Greece during the time of the sophists. When Savonarola dominated Florence in his twenties, his miserable end made an impression on Machiavelli, for … Read more

Stoicism (A History of Western Philosophy)

Zeno, the founder of Stoicism (a school of thought that appealed to rulers), was a Phoenician. When it comes to preaching about the superiority of slaves or the brotherhood of man, there are few philosophies that could compare to Stoicism during that moment in history. Stoicism, unlike the earlier purely Greek philosophies, is emotionally narrow and … Read more

The Cynics and Skeptics (A History of Western Philosophy)

Aristotle was the last philosopher to describe the world cheerfully. Diogynenes and the Cynics who came after saw the world as something to recoil from, as something dangerous and doomed.  In the third century BC, Cynicism became the most popular doctrine. But it did not appeal to those who had political, scientific, or artistic ambitions, … Read more