Conscientious Objections Summary (7/10)

In his book “Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology, and Education”, Neil Postman takes a critical look at the state of education in America. Postman contends that the American education system is in a state of crisis, and he attributes this to a number of factors, including the increasing use of technology in the classroom and the government’s steadily decreasing investment in education.

In the first chapter of his book, “The Crisis in Education”, Postman argues that the primary purpose of education should be to teach children how to think critically. He claims that the American education system has lost sight of this purpose, and as a result, students are not being equipped with the skills they need to succeed in the real world.

In the second chapter, “The Decline of Literacy”, Postman claims that the increasing use of technology in the classroom is having a negative impact on students’ ability to read and write. He asserts that schools should be teaching students how to use technology responsibly, instead of relying on it as a crutch.

The third chapter, “The Menace of Methods”, criticizes the way that education is currently being taught in America. Postman claims that teachers are too focused on teaching methods instead of content, and as a result, students are not receiving a well-rounded education.

In his fourth and final chapter, “The Perils of Pluralism”, Postman addresses the issue of multiculturalism in America. He argues that multiculturalism is dividing Americans instead of uniting them, and he calls for a return to traditional values in American education. Building a Bridge to the 18th Century: How the Past Can Improve Our Future (1999)

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