Perspectives on Our Age Summary (8/10)

In his book “Perspectives on Our Age”, sociologist and philosopher Jacques Ellul offers a searing critique of modernity and the ways in which it has reshaped our world. He provides readers with a unique perspective on the problems of our age, and offers some possible solutions.

The Roots of Modernity

Ellul begins his book by tracing the roots of modernity back to the Renaissance. He argues that the Renaissance marked a fundamental shift in the way that humans thought about themselves and their place in the world. Prior to the Renaissance, humans saw themselves as a part of nature, subject to its laws and limitations. However, with the advent of Renaissance thought, humans began to see themselves as separate from and superior to nature. This shift in thinking led to major changes in politics, economics, science, and philosophy, all of which have shaped the modern world as we know it.

The Problems of Modernity

Ellul goes on to argue that this separation of humans from nature has led to a number of problems in the modern world. For example, he argues that our efforts to control and dominate nature have led us to pollute and destroy the natural environment. Additionally, he argues that our separation from nature has led to a sense of alienation and isolation from others, as well as a general feeling of disconnectedness from the world around us.

The Way Forward

So what is the way forward? Ellul believes that it is only by reintegrating ourselves with nature that we will be able to solve the problems of modernity. He advocates for a return to traditional values and ways of life, arguing that only by reconnecting with what is natural and good will we be able to create a more just and sustainable world.

Ellul offers a compelling critique of modernity and its effects on our world. He provides readers with an insightful look at the problems facing our world today, as well as some possible solutions. Though Ellul’s book can be dense and difficult to read at times, it is well worth the effort for anyone interested in understanding the complex issues facing our world today.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian