One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society – Summary (8/10)

One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society by Marcuse is a classic text that has been widely read and discussed by many people. In this book, Marcuse argues that the advanced industrial society has created a one-dimensional man who is unable to satisfactorily deal with the new challenges of modernity. He examines … Read more

Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology Summary (8/10)

In Technopoly, Postman argues that technology has become increasingly dominant in American culture. He contends that technology has not only changed what we do but how we think about ourselves and our world. According to Postman, we have become a “technopoly”—a society in which technology is revered above all else. This worship of technology has … Read more

Conscientious Objections Summary (7/10)

In his book “Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology, and Education”, Neil Postman takes a critical look at the state of education in America. Postman contends that the American education system is in a state of crisis, and he attributes this to a number of factors, including the increasing use of technology in … Read more

A Guide to Neil Postman

Neil Postman was an American author, educator, media theorist, and cultural critic, who is best known for his work in the field of communications and technology. Postman’s most famous book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, is a critique of television and its impact on public discourse. In it, Postman argues that television has had a detrimental … Read more

A Guide to Reading the Books of Jacques Ellul

French thinker and theologian Jacques Ellul is one of the most important, yet under-read, writers of the 20th century. As we will see in “A Guide to Reading the Books of Jacques Ellul” – his works cover a wide range of topics, including technology, propaganda, and social psychology. While Ellul can be difficult to understand … Read more

The Inevitable Summary (8/10)

In his book, “The Inevitable,” Kevin Kelly explores the 12 forces that will shape the next 30 years of our digital lives. In this summary, we’ll explore each of these forces and what they mean for the future. The 12 forces listed by Kevin Kelly are mentioned here: Becoming, Cognifying, Flowing, Screening, Accessing, Sharing, Filtering, … Read more