Part 2: Appear to be an Object of Desire – Create Love Triangles (The Art of Seduction)

Create love triangles to seduce. Lou Andreas- Salomé was the androgynous Dandy that Greene discussed before. She managed to attract the attention of the likes of Freud and Nietzsche by constantly hinting that others were after her. Intellectuals of all types were all competing for her attention, they all wanted to possess her, and she … Read more

Part 1: The Star (The Art of Seduction)

The Star is a fetishized object. Most people are too complex, reactive, and moody to let us see them as objects. The Star’s power is that they can become an object, and see themselves as one. Hollywood had found ways to unite the entire country around certain themes, or myths—often the great American myth of … Read more

Part 1: The Coquette (The Art of Seduction)

The ultimate art in seduction is delaying pleasure. Coquettes are masters at waiting, orchestrating constant movement between hope and frustration. They bait with the promise of reward (physical pleasure, happiness, power), but since it is elusive – it will make the target pursue it more intensely. Coquettes seem self-sufficient, they don’t need you, and this … Read more