Part 2: Create a Need – Stir Anxiety and Discontent (The Art of Seduction)

“What can Love be then?” I said. “A mortal?” “Far from it.” “Well, what?” “As in my previous examples, he is half-way between mortal and immortal.” What sort of being is he then, Diotima?” “He is a great spirit, Socrates; everything that is of the nature of a spirit is half-god and half- man.” . … Read more

Part 2: Appear to be an Object of Desire – Create Love Triangles (The Art of Seduction)

Create love triangles to seduce. Lou Andreas- Salomé was the androgynous Dandy that Greene discussed before. She managed to attract the attention of the likes of Freud and Nietzsche by constantly hinting that others were after her. Intellectuals of all types were all competing for her attention, they all wanted to possess her, and she … Read more

One Bullet

One of the problems entrepreneurs face is having too many options, too much time, and too little focus. This calls for you to imagine that you don’t have infinite time, that you have one bullet left in your pistol. Everyone around you is pointing at different targets. Everyone thinks that their target is the most … Read more