Bigger, Leaner, Stronger Summary (7/10)

Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Mathews was rated one of the top books in the fitness genre, so I decided to give it a go. There are some faults with the book, especially with organization, but overall, the author was knowledgeable about nutrition and training, and cites enough research to back his claims. I think … Read more

Section 4: Training (Bigger, Leaner, Stronger)

Lifting The best ways to train are using dumbbell and barbell exercises, if you want to build bigger, stronger muscles. There are some machines that are good, such as the leg press or cable setup, but most are inferior to dumbbells and barbells. The average guy needs to build a strong overall foundation of muscle … Read more

Section 2: Inner Game (Bigger, Leaner, Stronger)

A real willpower challenge isn’t a fleeting, “wouldn’t that be nice” thought that disappears as quickly as it came. It’s more like an all-consuming battle raging inside of you between good and evil, virtue and sin, and yin and yang, and you feel it physically. There is a war that takes place within your brain. … Read more

Section 1: Fundamentals (Bigger, Leaner, Stronger)

Michael Mathews starts the book by outlining all the key definitions you need to know. One of the reasons why it’s so easy to be misled by bad information about nutrition and fitness online is not knowing the definitions. When you are unaware of the key definitions, you make it easy for “experts” to trick … Read more

13 Mental Models From Statistics

1. Nash Equilibrium Each person in a group makes the optimal decision for himself, based on what he thinks others will do. And nobody can improve their choice by changing it. In the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’, John Nash played by Russell Crowe tries to explain game theory differently. He is at a bar with … Read more

Lesson 5: You Don’t Lose Fear, You Become more Courageous

A Dialogue Unless you are terribly honest with yourself, you will not question the real reasons why you are avoiding something. But assuming you are someone who is honest, and there is something that you want to do, for example, starting a business or ending a relationship or making a lifestyle change but don’t, then … Read more

How Not to Die Summary (7/10)

Summary How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger is about the health benefits of eating your fruits, vegetables, nuts, and spices and the dangers of eating too much meat, or any meat at all. In the same way that smoking was ignored as a health hazard for so long, many people today are ignoring … Read more