Why It’s Impossible to Predict the Future

Many people think that they can predict the future. They’ll say things like, “I knew that was going to happen,” or “I had a feeling that was going to happen.” But the truth is, no one can predict the future.

There are a number of reasons why it’s difficult to predict the future.

  1. Our knowledge of the present is imperfect. We don’t know everything that’s happening right now, let alone what will happen in the future.
  2. The future is unknowable. By definition, the future has not happened yet. This means that there is no way to know for certain what will happen in the future. All we can do is make educated guesses based on past events and current trends.
  3. The future is unpredictable. Even if we could know everything about the present moment, we still couldn’t predict the future because the future is inherently unpredictable. Anything could happen at any time, without warning or explanation.
  4. The future is always changing. The future is not static; it is always in flux. What we think might happen in the future can change in an instant, based on new information or circumstances.

So as you can see, it’s simply not possible to predict the future. Anyone who claims to be able to do so is either deluding themselves or deliberately trying to mislead others. The next time someone tries to tell you what’s going to happen in the future, don’t believe them. Chances are, they don’t know any more than you do.

So why bother trying to predict the future at all? For many people, the answer is simple: because we have to. The future is an important part of our lives, and we can’t make decisions without considering what might happen. We need to make plans and set goals, and we can’t do that without some understanding of the future. Even if our predictions are imperfect, they’re still better than nothing.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian