What is Social Proof?

You’ve probably heard of the power of social proof. The idea is that we are more likely to do something if we see other people doing it. And it makes sense, right? If other people are doing something, it must be worth doing.

One of the hardest things to admit about human beings is that we are deeply mimetic. Since Girard published his thesis about mimetic theory, which some detractors thought was an overgeneralization that lacked any scientific basis, time has come to vindicate his ideas as true. Today, studies in developmental psychology and neurology show that children learn languages and behaviors by mirroring their parents, and that we are all born with “mirror neurons.”

But here’s the thing: social proof is BS. It’s a load of crap. And I’m about to tell you why.

The Problem with Social Proof

The problem with social proof is that it doesn’t take into account quality. Just because other people are doing something, doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to do. In fact, sometimes the opposite is true.

Take fashion, for example. Just because everyone is wearing a certain style of clothing doesn’t mean it looks good. In fact, some of the most popular fashion trends are actually quite ugly (I’m looking at you, Crocs).

If you want my advice, grab a copy of The End of Wisdom, the perfect book for anyone who wants to arm themselves against the many ways in which people are misled by faulty financial advice, psychological theories, and simplistic career or life advice.

Or take investing. Just because everyone is investing in a certain stock or commodity doesn’t mean it’s a good investment. In fact, some of the most popular investments are actually terrible ideas (I’m looking at you, Bitcoin).

The point is, just because something is popular, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. So the next time you see someone doing something and you think to yourself “I should do that too!”, stop and question whether or not it’s actually a good idea. Chances are, it isn’t.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian