The Art of Learning Summary (7/10)

The Art of Learning is a book about learning and becoming better at anything. The book is broken into three sections: the first section is about how to learn, the second section is about how to be a better learner, and the third section is about how to become a master learner.

In the first section, Josh Waitzkin discusses different ways to learn and provides tips on how to improve learning. He discusses the importance of having a good teacher, breaking down complex tasks into smaller pieces, practicing diligently, and seeking feedback. He also talks about the concept of “talent” and how it is overrated – practice and hard work are more important than natural ability.

The second section of the book focuses on ways to be a better learner. Waitzkin discusses different learning styles and provides tips on how to adapt your learning style to best suit you. He also emphasises the importance of setting goals and creating a learning plan.

The third section of the book is about becoming a master learner. Waitzkin shares his insights on learning from experience, developing a growth mindset, and dealing with setbacks. He also provides tips on how to become a lifelong learner.

Overall, I thought The Art of Learning was an excellent book about learning. It was filled with valuable tips and insights that can be applied to any area of life. The writing was clear and easy to read, and I found myself wanting to read more as I went along. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve their learning skills.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian