A Guide to Kierkegaard

Either/Or In ‘Either/Or’, Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard offers readers a detailed analysis of human existence, complete with various thought experiments and passages of dense prose. Kierkegaard opens the book with a distinction between two ways of life that he labels the aesthetic and the ethical. The former is concerned only with immediate pleasure and gratification, … Read more

The Sickness Unto Death Summary (8/10)

In “The Sickness Unto Death”, Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard presents the idea that humans are in a constant state of becoming. For Kierkegaard, this process of becoming is defined by a continuous striving towards an ideal self that is never fully realized. This ideal self is what Kierkegaard calls the “authentic self”. It is only … Read more

Either/Or Summary (8/10)

In ‘Either/Or’, Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard offers readers a detailed analysis of human existence, complete with various thought experiments and passages of dense prose. Kierkegaard opens the book with a distinction between two ways of life that he labels the aesthetic and the ethical. The former is concerned only with immediate pleasure and gratification, while … Read more