Rule 3: Every Brain is Wired Differently (Brain Rules)

All living things are made of cells. The surface of your skin is dead, this allows the rest of your cells experience life without wind or rain. Your brain is like a muscle, each activity you do makes it larger and more complex. This may not lead to more intelligence, but what is undeniable is that what you do in life physically changes what your brain looks like. You can wire and require your brain by playing music or sports.

Each person is wired differently. The idea of teaching children of the same age may be antiquated.

Howard Gardner is a psychologist and author – he is famous for the Multiple Intelligences movement. He said that human minds are competent across so many dimensions that they cannot be boiled down to simple numerical measures. He disregarded IQ tests and tried to reframe what human intellectual skill is. He studied real people while learning and published a book after years of processing the data he acquired – Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It set off a debate that continues till now.

Gardner has noted seven categories of intelligence that he has observed: verbal/linguistic, musical/rhythmic, logical/mathematical, spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

But these categories don’t always intersect with each other. If someone was great at music, you cannot know anything about his other abilities. People criticize Gardner by saying that he is resting on his opinion, not his data, but nobody denies that the human intellect is multifaceted. Gardner’s efforts are the first serious attempt to give an alternative to IQ.

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"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian