Nicholas G. Carr (What to think about machines that think)

Nicholas G. Carr argues that the real danger of artificial intelligence (AI) lies not in machines becoming sentient, but in their current mindless autonomy. He points out that AI’s strength comes from its ability to perform tasks without the distractions and biases that humans have. However, this also makes AI risky when deployed in complex, real-world scenarios. Carr cites the example of Knight Capital, a trading firm that nearly went bankrupt due to a software glitch, to illustrate how autonomous but mindless machines can wreak havoc. He warns that as AI takes on more roles in various sectors, the risks of glitches or misuse increase. Carr also discusses the “control crisis,” stating that our ability to process data has surpassed our ability to regulate it, posing a challenge for society. He concludes that the risks of AI are not in the distant future but are present now.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian