Kevin Kelly (What to think about machines that think)

Kevin Kelly emphasizes the importance of recognizing that machines designed to think will not replicate human thinking but will possess their own unique forms of intelligence. He points out that human intelligence is just one type of intelligence among many possible in the universe, and we shouldn’t limit our understanding of AI to mimicking human thought processes.

Kelly highlights that the kind of thinking exhibited by emerging AI systems is fundamentally different from human thinking. These AIs excel in tasks such as image recognition and statistical analysis, which are areas where humans may fall short. He suggests that AI’s ability to think differently is a valuable source of innovation and wealth in a connected world.

Furthermore, Kelly anticipates that as AI evolves, it will lead to the creation of entirely new forms of intelligences and ways of thinking. He argues that the most significant advancements will come from machines that can do things humans cannot do at all, rather than merely replicating human thought. He even suggests that to tackle complex scientific mysteries in the future, we may require intelligences different from our own.

Kelly introduces the concept of “AI” standing for “Alien Intelligence,” emphasizing that as we develop synthetic intelligences, we will encounter challenges and benefits similar to those expected in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. These synthetic aliens, or artificial aliens, will force us to reevaluate our roles, beliefs, and identity, ultimately expanding our understanding of intelligence and our place in the universe.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian