How to Read Carl Mitcham

Carl Mitcham is a philosopher of technology and a historian, well-known for his explorations into the ethical and philosophical implications of technology. He brings forth discussions on how technology shapes society and challenges readers to consider the deep impacts of technological progress.

1. Thinking Through Technology: The Path Between Engineering and Philosophy (1994): Mitcham explores the deep philosophical issues rooted in our relationship with technology in this insightful work. He contrasts two views of technology: “technology as knowledge” and “technology as activity”, thus offering a broader perspective on how we understand and interact with technology.

Review: A comprehensive and thought-provoking investigation into the philosophy of technology. The book is academically rigorous but still accessible to non-academic readers.

Reason to Read: To gain a profound understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of technology and its societal effects.

In a Nutshell: An exploration of the philosophical and ethical dimensions of technology.

Key Quotes:

  • “The human being is essentially homo faber: the making and using animal. From this perspective, technology in the broad sense is the human way of being in the world.”
  • “Engineering represents a new and distinctive kind of philosophical activity.”

2. Ethics and Science: An Introduction (2012): Written in collaboration with Adam Briggle, this book takes on the complex intersection of ethics, science, and technology. It surveys various ethical theories and applies them to discussions about scientific research, technological development, and their roles in society.

Review: A thoughtful and comprehensive introduction to the field of ethics in science and technology. This book makes complicated philosophical ideas accessible and relevant.

Reason to Read: For a better understanding of the ethical issues present in our technologically driven society.

In a Nutshell: A thorough introduction to the ethical questions raised by modern science and technology.

Key Quotes:

  • “The scientific endeavor is not value-free or ethically neutral but is instead shot through with ethical and political implications.”
  • “What is most important about science and technology is the way they change our understanding of the world.”

Carl Mitcham invites his readers to approach technology with a philosophical lens, encouraging thoughtful reflection on the societal and individual impacts of technological advancement. His work is instrumental in fostering a deep understanding of the ethical complexities in our technologically saturated world.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian