How to Read Alan Watts

Alan Watts was a British-American philosopher, writer, and speaker who popularized Eastern philosophy and spirituality in the West. With his eloquent and accessible style, Watts explored complex philosophical ideas and mystical concepts, making them relatable to a broader audience. His writings and lectures have had a profound impact on the way Westerners approach spirituality, self-discovery, and the nature of reality.

1. The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (1951): In this book, Watts challenges the notion of seeking security in an uncertain world and invites readers to embrace the present moment as the only reality.

Review: A timeless and thought-provoking meditation on the human search for meaning and the art of living fully in the present.

Reason to Read: To gain a fresh perspective on the nature of reality, the impermanence of life, and the art of living with wisdom and authenticity.

In a Nutshell: An exploration of the human desire for security and the wisdom of embracing life’s uncertainties.

Key Quotes:

  • “To resist change, to try to cling to life, is therefore like holding your breath: if you persist you kill yourself.”
  • “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

2. The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (1966): In this philosophical work, Watts delves into the concept of the self and explores the interconnectedness of all existence.

Review: An enlightening and profound reflection on the nature of self-identity and the illusory boundaries between individuals and the universe.

Reason to Read: To explore the idea of selfhood and experience the unity of life that transcends conventional notions of separate existence.

In a Nutshell: A contemplation of the illusory nature of the self and the deeper connections that bind us all.

Key Quotes:

  • “We do not ‘come into’ this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree.”
  • “The sensation of ego is the center of experience, and the cause of the notion that we are a separate observer of experience.”

Alan Watts’ writings offer a profound journey into the realms of philosophy, spirituality, and self-awareness. As you delve into his works, you will find yourself immersed in a world of transformative ideas that challenge conventional thinking and invite you to explore the mysteries of existence. Watts’ unique ability to bridge Eastern and Western philosophies will leave you with a deeper understanding of the human experience and a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life. Through his writings and lectures, Alan Watts invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration, guiding you towards a more profound understanding of the nature of reality and the boundless possibilities of human consciousness.

"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian