Ch.2: The Switch (Chip War)

William Shockley was a renowned physicist and theoretical physicist known for his groundbreaking work in semiconductors. He was born in London to a mining engineer and grew up in Palo Alto, California. Shockley received a degree from Caltech and went on to earn a PhD in physics from MIT. He worked at Bell Labs, one of the most influential centers of science and engineering at the time, and specialized in semiconductors, a class of materials that conduct current when certain materials are added and an electric field is applied.

Despite his obnoxious behavior, Shockley was considered a brilliant physicist, and in 1945 he theorized a “solid state valve” that would function as a valve opening and closing the flow of electrons. Despite his intuition and expertise, the electrical properties of semiconductors remained mysterious and unexplained until the late 1940s. Two of Shockley’s colleagues, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen, proved his theories correct by building a device that applied gold filaments to a block of germanium. This device, named the “transistor,” was useful for amplifying signals in phones and other devices, replacing vacuum tubes.

Shockley was angry and locked himself in a hotel room to create a new type of transistor, made up of three chunks of semiconductor material that could also act as a switch. Bell Labs held a press conference in June 1948 to announce their invention, but it wasn’t well received by the media. Despite this setback, Shockley went on to win a Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the transistor.

In conclusion, William Shockley was a pioneering physicist and theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to the field of semiconductors. His work on the transistor paved the way for modern electronics and earned him the recognition of the Nobel Prize in physics. Despite his obnoxious behavior, Shockley will always be remembered as a brilliant physicist and a pioneer in the field of electronics.

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