The Psychology of Debate

Debates can be illuminating, or they can be a waste of time. When is a debate illuminating? When there is a mutual attempt to explore the truth. The form that professional debates take, whether presidential or academic, are rarely an exploration of the truth. And the form that casual debates take, like the one your … Read more

The Anatomy of Fear (Week 16 of Wisdom)

Alfred Adler was an Austrian psychologist, famous for discovering the “inferiority/superiority complex” and the effect of birth order on personality. But most importantly, Adler differed from his contemporaries, Freud, and Jung, by focusing on the present rather than on the past. Adler’s idea was that the past did not determine an individual’s destiny, there was … Read more

A Psychology of Work

The Paradox of Work Work is the source of anxiety, pain, exhaustion, and stress – yet without work, we would lose our sanity and ability to sustain ourselves. One imagines that the avoidance of work is how you manage stress, but it is the avoidance of work that cultivates stress. It is only when you … Read more

Should You Be a Fool? (Week 6 of Wisdom)

Stay Foolish If you have ever read anything about Steve Jobs, you must have heard his famous line, “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” The psychologist Carl Jung emphasized that the fool was the precursor to wisdom. This idea has been articulated in the Bible and other ancient texts. In mythological stories, this is called the call … Read more

Lesson 5: You Don’t Lose Fear, You Become more Courageous

A Dialogue Unless you are terribly honest with yourself, you will not question the real reasons why you are avoiding something. But assuming you are someone who is honest, and there is something that you want to do, for example, starting a business or ending a relationship or making a lifestyle change but don’t, then … Read more

Lesson 4: Intelligence is Not Necessarily Wisdom

To know that there is a clear difference between intelligence and wisdom, one must simply ask themselves if one can exist without the other. Can you be intelligent without being wise? Can you be wise without being intelligent? The answer to both these questions is yes. Intelligence without wisdom is less clear to see. But … Read more