Is Manipulation Wrong?

Coke’s Marketing Success Is Manipulation Wrong? Decades ago, Pepsi launched an advertising campaign that had people drink Pepsi and Coke from two different cups that were label-less and asked them to decide which drink they preferred. The results showed that Pepsi was preferred to Coke. This prompted Coke to launch a campaign that slightly altered … Read more

The Efficient Race Against Time

There’s a universal urge to be involved in some kind of race against time. People race to get an education, to make money, to get into relationships, to get a job, and to find happiness. Oftentimes, they end up with an education they never even wanted, money that made them more miserable, doomed relationships, and … Read more

‘The Write it Down’ Hack

Write Everything Down Forget spending half your time online looking for ways to be more productive. There is just one thing you should do that will bring you the most results. Write things down. He is supported on crutches, but lacks so much support of muscle. He has a fine Geneva watch, but he fails … Read more

The Sweet Spot of Irrationality

What is Irrationality? Can irrationality be good? If there was a complete convergence of behavior towards supreme rationality, what would the world look like? Would everyone be devoted to maximizing well-being, productivity, and the survival of their species – would anyone make art, music, or poetry? After-all, there is nothing rational about spending your time … Read more

On Achievement

“For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is.” Van Goethe The names that are inscribed in history books, and who’s teachings and legacies are religiously celebrated and tirelessly echoed by school teachers, professors, parents, and students are remarkable and exceptional people. But the … Read more

Modern Man in Search of a Soul Summary (8/10)

Jung first describes the significance of the products of your subconscious. You consciously suppress the importance of your dreams, but they offer you different kinds of information that can be very powerful. “Dreams may give expression to ineluctable truths, to philosophical pronouncements, illusions, wild fantasies, memories, plans, anticipations, irrational experiences, even telepathic visions, and heaven … Read more

Mastery Summary (7/10)

Mastery by Robert Greene is a book that outlines the path to greatness. Greene tells the stories of many different geniuses of the past (Goethe, Da Vinci, Einstein) and distills the most important lessons we ought to remember. After each story, Greene explains the laws the masters were following in the story consciously or not … Read more

Principles Summary (7/10)

Principles by Ray Dalio (founder of Bridgewater) is a great book. One of the gems in the book was his reference to how the economic machine works, an excellent thirty-minute video that everyone should watch. Practical Thinking Throughout the book, Dalio shares his personal story, and then goes on to give us advice about work and … Read more

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products Summary (8/10)

Hooked: How to Form Habit Building Products is a book that combines insights from psychology to inform us about how we become habituated to technologies – and how we can, in turn, design products that can get users habituated. Eyal makes an important distinction between habits and addictions – as they are often used interchangeably. … Read more