Is it Good to be Superstitious?

If you compliment another person, you must quickly knock on wood to prevent bad luck that might occur to this person, that an evil eye might bring about bad luck. Many people inherit their superstitious beliefs from society or family, and pass those beliefs down to their children. But is it good to be superstitious? A … Read more

A Reflection on Money

Many of our desires are destructive. Our infatuation with money is one of them. Striking the rare balance between mastering the art of making money, while simultaneously living a meaningful life is the ultimate challenge. “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And … Read more

The Politics of Social Media

Smartphone addiction Is Social Media Good? We are in the age of technology and social media apps, and are constantly being exposed to new ways of wasting time. A more interconnected world is rewarding –  it keeps us mentally active and socially involved. There are obvious benefits, but there are consequences. The cliched criticism is … Read more

Modern Man in Search of a Soul Summary (8/10)

Jung first describes the significance of the products of your subconscious. You consciously suppress the importance of your dreams, but they offer you different kinds of information that can be very powerful. “Dreams may give expression to ineluctable truths, to philosophical pronouncements, illusions, wild fantasies, memories, plans, anticipations, irrational experiences, even telepathic visions, and heaven … Read more

Mastery Summary (7/10)

Mastery by Robert Greene is a book that outlines the path to greatness. Greene tells the stories of many different geniuses of the past (Goethe, Da Vinci, Einstein) and distills the most important lessons we ought to remember. After each story, Greene explains the laws the masters were following in the story consciously or not … Read more

Rule 9: Assume that the Person You Are Listening to Might Know Something You Don’t(12 RFL)

Peterson recalls an encounter with a client who claimed to be raped five times.  She was confused and traumatized, but something was deeply wrong with the way she operated in the world. Of course, there are many legitimate reasons (such as undesirable familial circumstances) that would have confirmed her role as victim. Had Peterson only … Read more

Jordan Peterson vs Susan Blackmore – Do we need God to make sense of life?

Do we need God to make sense of life? Jordan Peterson and Susan Blackmore debated whether God was necessary for meaning to exist. They first discuss the nature of memes and archetypes. Susan Blackmore subscribes to Dawkins’ idea of memes as being separate from genes in that they are not biological, but that they are … Read more

Maps of Meaning 9 Notes

My Notes For Maps Of Meaning (2017) – Jordan Peterson Patterns of Symbolic Representation In this lecture, Peterson explores the nature of the unknown through mythological symbolism, and explains why the unknown is necessary. The Antidote to Nihilism It’s not enough to just be lawyer or plumber, you need to ground yourself in something greater … Read more

Principles Summary (7/10)

Principles by Ray Dalio (founder of Bridgewater) is a great book. One of the gems in the book was his reference to how the economic machine works, an excellent thirty-minute video that everyone should watch. Practical Thinking Throughout the book, Dalio shares his personal story, and then goes on to give us advice about work and … Read more