Toxic People are Zombies

Toxic people are zombies. They are the Walking Dead, the White Walkers – brainless, but physically present, they march towards one goal, to convert every living thing in their path to their own ideology – or rather, the dominant ideology within them. Nietzsche had an interesting idea – that we have many sub-personalities and that … Read more

The Books Referenced in 12 Rules for Life

A list of books referenced by Jordan Peterson in 12 Rules for Life. Solzhenitsyn, A.I. (1975). The Gulag Archipelago Based on his experience of being incarcerated, and that of 200 prisoners and Soviet archives, Solzhenitsyn reveals the apparatus of Soviet repression.   Waal, F. B. M. de (2007). Chimpanzee politics: Power and sex among apes … Read more

It Was a Musical Thing

In Sapiens, Harari mentions Buddhism a couple of times, as a means of escaping the absurd mission of our lives: the constant chase of positive feelings and repression of negative feelings. When you crave positive feelings, you are waging a losing fight against nature. Harari gives the example of standing on a sea shore, watching … Read more

Sapiens Summary (8/10)

Sapiens by Harari is an ambitious attempt to summarize the history of humankind, including our harsh beginnings when we competed with other human cousins for resources, our conquests, our innovations, our tragedies, and our greatest achievements. This book will teach you about where you came from, and it will give you an idea of where … Read more

Chapter 19: And They Lived Happily Every After (Sapiens)

Happiness The last 500 years have seen breakthroughs in every area of human concern. We have become more scientifically competent, economically prosperous, peaceful, and secure, but are we happier? Historians rarely ask these questions, but they should. One progressive idea is that since we are more capable than our ancestors, we must be happier, but … Read more

Chapter 17: The Wheels of Industry (Sapiens)

We used to rely on animals for energy. Muscle power was key to everything we did. Human muscles built carts and houses, ox muscles ploughed fields, while horse muscled moved things around. The energy that fueled this came from plants, and plants got their energy from the sun through photosynthesis. For thousands of years, people … Read more