The Mystery of Scaling (Complexity: a Guided Tour)

Scaling describes how one property of a system changes if a related property changes. The scaling mystery in biology concerns the relationship between an organism’s body mass and its basal metabolic rate—the average energy used while resting. Metabolism, the conversion of food, water, air, and light to usable energy, is fundamental to all living systems. Understanding how metabolic rate scales with body mass is crucial for comprehending life’s mechanics.

It has long been known that smaller animals have faster metabolisms relative to their body size than larger animals. In 1883, German physiologist Max Rubner tried to determine the precise scaling relationship using thermodynamics and geometry. He proposed that metabolic rate scales with body mass to the two-thirds power, known as the “surface hypothesis.” However, actual data did not fit this rule.

In the 1930s, Swiss animal scientist Max Kleiber found that metabolic rate scales with body mass to the three-fourths power, a result now called Kleiber’s law. This finding was surprising because it suggested animals, particularly large ones, are more efficient than simple geometry predicts.

An Interdisciplinary Collaboration

By the mid-1990s, ecologist James Brown and biology graduate student Brian Enquist at the University of New Mexico had been investigating the quarter-power scaling problem. They believed the answer lay in the structure of nutrient-transport systems in organisms, such as blood vessels and bronchi, which form branching networks. However, they lacked the mathematical expertise to model these structures.

Geoffrey West, a theoretical physicist, joined Brown and Enquist, forming a collaboration at the Santa Fe Institute. Together, they developed a mathematical model of the circulatory system as a space-filling fractal network, designed to minimize energy and time for fuel distribution. Their model predicted that metabolic rate scales with body mass to the three-fourths power, aligning with Kleiber’s law.

Power Laws and Fractals

Fractals, like the Koch curve, exhibit self-similarity at all scales and follow power-law distributions. This relationship between fractals and power laws suggested that the circulatory system’s fractal structure could explain the observed metabolic scaling.

Metabolic Scaling Theory

Metabolic scaling theory posits that the efficiency of fuel delivery by an organism’s circulatory system, structured as a space-filling fractal, determines metabolic rate. The theory assumes evolution optimized these networks for energy and time efficiency and that the size of terminal units, like capillaries, does not scale with body mass. This fractal structure allows the metabolic rate to scale with body mass to the three-fourths power.

Scope and Controversy

Metabolic scaling theory has been applied to explain various quarter-power scaling laws, such as those governing heart rate, life span, and gestation time. The theory has also been extended to plants, single-celled organisms, and even ecosystems. Its proponents claim it has the potential to unify biology, similar to how Newton’s laws unified physics.

However, the theory faces criticism. Some argue that quarter-power scaling laws are not as universal as claimed and that metabolic scaling theory is oversimplified. Critics point out exceptions and variations within species that the theory does not account for and argue that the mathematics of the theory may be incorrect.

The Unresolved Mystery of Power Laws

Power laws are prevalent in many natural and engineered systems, from city sizes to stock market volatility. Scientists have multiple explanations for power laws, including preferential attachment, fractal structure, self-organized criticality, and highly optimized tolerance. Understanding the origins and significance of power-law distributions remains a crucial open problem in complex systems research.

Zipf’s Law

Zipf’s law, discovered by linguist George Zipf in the 1930s, states that word frequency in a large text is inversely proportional to its rank. This power law has been explained by principles such as the least effort in language use and optimization of information content. The debate over Zipf’s law’s mechanisms mirrors the broader discussion on the origins of power laws in nature.

Network thinking and metabolic scaling theory offer profound insights into biological scaling laws. Despite ongoing debates and criticisms, these concepts provide a framework for understanding the complex relationships between structure, function, and efficiency in living organisms. The future of network science promises further exploration and clarification of these fundamental principles.


Complexity: A Guided Tour – Melanie Mitchell

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