Personality 1

To know yourself and to know others is useful because you will be better able to conduct yourself in the world.  Without error, you don’t learn. But to learn, you have to undergo the painful experience of destroying previous conceptualizations of the world. Error is unpleasant but necessary. If you don’t err, and you get … Read more

The 7 Lessons of Jordan Peterson

Lesson 1: Deadwood Lesson 2: Order and Chaos Lesson 3: Don’t be Naive Lesson 4: Intelligence is not Necessarily Wisdom Lesson 5: You Don’t Lose Fear, You Become more Courageous Lesson 6: You Must be Willing to be a Fool to be a Master Lesson 7: Learn How to Negotiate with Yourself

Don’t Try (Week 37 of Wisdom)

Charles Bukowski, today known as a celebrated author, found success in his fifties. In his twenties, he wrote hundreds of short stories. Two of these were published, both of which barely sold any copies. This was during a time when Bukowski traveled across the U.S, and worked several blue-collar jobs. Years later, he nearly died … Read more

Lesson 5: You Don’t Lose Fear, You Become more Courageous

A Dialogue Unless you are terribly honest with yourself, you will not question the real reasons why you are avoiding something. But assuming you are someone who is honest, and there is something that you want to do, for example, starting a business or ending a relationship or making a lifestyle change but don’t, then … Read more

Lesson 4: Intelligence is Not Necessarily Wisdom

To know that there is a clear difference between intelligence and wisdom, one must simply ask themselves if one can exist without the other. Can you be intelligent without being wise? Can you be wise without being intelligent? The answer to both these questions is yes. Intelligence without wisdom is less clear to see. But … Read more

Lesson 3: Don’t be Naive

The Courage to Trust Others Don’t trust others because you’re naïve, trust them because you’re courageous. You should expect them to have the capacity to hurt you, but you should be willing to take a chance anyway. That is the foundation of society. Some people are too disagreeable, they refuse to be naïve about anything. … Read more

Lesson 2: Order and Chaos

The Ying-Yang symbol has its roots in Taoism. If you look at the symbol, you will notice that the white half has a black circle inside of it, and the black half has a white circle inside of it. The philosophical connotation, according to Peterson, is that the world is divided into chaos and order, … Read more

Understanding The Jordan Peterson vs Sam Harris Debates

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson have engaged in a series of debates that included Bret Weinstein and Douglas Murray as moderators, in addition to two podcasts. One in which they famously debated the nature of truth for over two hours. London , Vancouver, Dublin The Steelman Jordan Peterson There is beauty, art and poetry that goes … Read more