Small Worlds (Complexity: A Guided Tour)

The concept of the “small world” was famously investigated by Harvard psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1950s. Milgram wanted to determine how many links it would take to connect any two people in the United States. He designed an experiment where participants in Kansas and Nebraska would attempt to send a letter to a distant stranger by passing it through a chain of acquaintances. Milgram found that for the letters that reached their target, the median number of intermediate connections was five, giving rise to the notion of “six degrees of separation.”

However, this interpretation was later challenged. Psychologist Judith Kleinfeld pointed out that most letters in Milgram’s studies never reached their targets, and the median number of intermediates was often higher. Despite this, the idea of a small world with six degrees of separation has persisted in popular culture.

The New Science of Networks

The concept of small worlds extends beyond social networks to various domains, from genetic regulation in cells to the World Wide Web. Over the past decade, researchers have been creating a “new science of networks” to uncover unifying principles across different types of networks. This interdisciplinary field has been significantly influenced by the work of Duncan Watts and Steven Strogatz, and Albert-László Barabási and Réka Albert, who published groundbreaking papers in the late 1990s on the collective dynamics of small-world networks and the emergence of scaling in random networks, respectively.

Network Thinking

Network thinking focuses on relationships between entities rather than the entities themselves. This approach has provided insights into biological complexity, the spread of rumors, the robustness of large networks, and ecological stability. Network scientists aim to develop a common language to describe different networks and understand their formation and evolution over time.

Defining a Network

A network consists of nodes (e.g., neurons, Web sites, people) and links (e.g., synapses, hyperlinks, social relationships). For example, my social network includes close friends and their acquaintances, forming a structure with high clustering and varying degrees of connectivity. Network scientists use terms like clustering (the tendency of nodes to form tightly connected groups) and degree (the number of links to a node) to describe these structures.

Small-World Networks

Small-world networks have relatively few long-distance connections but maintain a small average path length between nodes. Watts and Strogatz demonstrated this by showing that even a few random rewirings in a regular network can significantly reduce the average path length, creating a small-world effect. They also found that real-world networks, such as the actor collaboration network, the electrical power grid, and the neural network of a worm, exhibit the small-world property.

Scale-Free Networks

Scale-free networks, like the World Wide Web, have a skewed degree distribution with many low-degree nodes and a few high-degree hubs. This structure, which follows a power law distribution, makes scale-free networks resilient to random deletions but vulnerable to targeted attacks on hubs. The Web’s degree distribution, where the number of pages with a given in-degree is proportional to 1/k², exemplifies this property. Such networks are characterized by their self-similarity, meaning their structure looks the same at any scale.

Network Resilience

Scale-free networks’ resilience lies in their ability to maintain functionality despite the random deletion of nodes, as most deletions affect low-degree nodes. However, the failure of hubs can lead to significant disruptions. This dual nature makes understanding and protecting these networks crucial.

In summary, the study of small-world and scale-free networks has provided profound insights into the interconnectedness and resilience of complex systems. This new science of networks is poised to impact various fields, from biology to technology, by uncovering the underlying principles that govern the structure and dynamics of networks in nature and society.

Network Thinking in the Academic World

Network thinking is evidently on a lot of people’s minds. According to Google Scholar, over 14,000 academic papers on small-world or scale-free networks have been published in the last five years (since 2003), with nearly 3,000 in the last year alone. Scanning the first 100 titles revealed representation from 11 different disciplines, including physics, computer science, geology, and neuroscience. This diversity would likely expand with a more comprehensive scan.

Examples of Real-World Networks

The Brain

Several studies have shown that the brain exhibits small-world properties, whether viewed at the level of neurons and synapses or larger functional areas. For example, the neural network of the worm C. elegans has been mapped and found to have a small-world structure. Similar findings have been observed in the brains of cats, macaque monkeys, and humans.

Small-world properties in the brain may enhance resilience. Individual neurons frequently die, but the brain continues to function normally. However, damage to hubs, such as the hippocampus, can have severe consequences. A scale-free degree distribution in the brain could balance localized processing with global information transfer, optimizing energy efficiency and maintaining manageable brain size for childbirth. Moreover, synchronization, a mechanism for efficient information communication in the brain, is facilitated by small-world structures.

Genetic Regulatory Networks

Humans have about 25,000 genes, similar to the mustard plant Arabidopsis. The complexity in humans arises from how these genes are organized into networks. Many genes regulate other genes, controlling their expression. For instance, E. coli bacteria have a regulatory network for lactose metabolism involving genes A, B, C, and a repressor gene. Network thinking has shown that genetic regulatory networks in various organisms are often scale-free, enhancing resilience to errors and pathogen interference.

Metabolic Networks

Cells contain hundreds of metabolic pathways that interconnect, forming networks. Albert-László Barabási and colleagues found that metabolic networks in forty-three different organisms follow a power-law distribution, indicating they are scale-free. These networks have a few key hubs essential for life, which supports robustness and efficient communication among substrates.


The spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be analyzed through networks of sexual contacts. Studies have found that these networks often have a scale-free structure. This insight suggests targeting safe-sex campaigns and vaccinations at hubs (individuals with many partners) could effectively reduce STD transmission.

Ecologies and Food Webs

Ecologists use food webs to represent ecosystems, where nodes are species, and links indicate dietary relationships. Some researchers argue that food webs exhibit small-world properties and scale-free degree distributions, which could confer resilience to species loss. However, there is ongoing debate within the ecology community about these claims.

Significance of Network Thinking

Network thinking is impacting various scientific and technological fields. By providing a common language for complex systems, it enables cross-disciplinary insights. In technology, it offers novel approaches to problems like efficient Web search, epidemic control, organizational management, ecosystem preservation, disease targeting, and addressing vulnerabilities in networks.

Origins of Scale-Free Networks

Scale-free networks, such as the Web, emerge from growth processes like preferential attachment, where nodes with higher degrees attract more new links. This principle explains phenomena like scientific citation networks, where papers with more citations continue to receive more references, illustrating a “rich get richer” dynamic.

Skepticism and Challenges

Despite the enthusiasm for network science, skepticism remains. Critics argue that:

  1. Many claimed power-law distributions are based on incomplete or error-prone data.
  2. There are numerous mechanisms besides preferential attachment that can produce power laws.
  3. Simplified models, while useful, may overlook important real-world complexities like varying link strengths and node types.

Information Spreading and Cascading Failure

Understanding how information spreads in networks is crucial. Cascading failure occurs when the failure of one node causes a domino effect of failures, potentially collapsing the entire network. Examples include large-scale power outages, system-wide computer failures, and financial crises like the 1998 Long-Term Capital Management collapse. Addressing these challenges requires advanced theories such as Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) and Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT).

Future Directions

The next step for network science is to understand the dynamic behavior of networks, where nodes and links continually change. This will involve characterizing complex systems like the immune system, ant colonies, and cellular metabolism. As Duncan Watts notes, understanding these dynamics will be a major challenge, but it is essential for advancing our comprehension of complex networks.


Complexity: A Guided Tour – Melanie Mitchell

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