Chapter 4: Equality (21 Lessons for the 21st Century)

Those who own the data own the future The Separation The result of globalization might not have a fairy tale ending, it may result in ‘speciation’, the divergence of humans into separate biological castes or species. In the 20th century, ‘barbarians’ were considered useful because of the labor they provided, but in the 21st century, … Read more

Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect (The 48 Laws of Power)

Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect The Mirror Effect is about using people’s narcissism against them. And, as Greene shows, there are many variations of this technique. You should decide which one to use based on your objective. By mirroring people’s actions and sentiments, you can gain their trust. The skill involved … Read more

Chapter 1: Disillusionment (21 Lessons for the 21st Century)

Chapter 1: Disillusionment The end of history has been postponed Humans are better at inventing tools than knowing how to use them wisely. Globalization, blockchain, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, machine learning are all buzzwords that are being repeatedly parroted around the world excitedly. You may have caught a recent TED talk peddling one or a … Read more

The Munk Debate On The Rise of Populism

Debate: The Rise of Populism The Motion The first question was “will populism replace liberalism in the future of politics?” Seventy-two percent said “no”. The follow-up question that the moderator asked was interesting, “is there a chance you will change your minds after tonight?” but the response to that question by the audience was astonishing. … Read more