Maps of Meaning 3 Notes

My Notes For Maps Of Meaning 3 (2017) – Jordan Peterson Maps of Meaning 3 – Marionettes and Individuals (Part 2)  My Maps of Meaning 3 notes include a summary of Affective Neuroscience and an parallel to the Oedipal Complex, as well as an interesting tangent to Dante’s Inferno. Recap Gepetto gets his wish from the … Read more

The $100 Startup Summary (7/10)

Thanks to the internet, it is now possible to build a micro-business. You can either consult, build software, or create educational material through books or online courses for very little money. The other big advantage is that you can do it from anywhere. The catch is that you have to double down on effort and … Read more

Purple Cow Summary (8/10)

Godin starts off Purple Cow with the idea that the end of the TV industrial revolution created a new more complex dynamic in the world of business. While TV still works and it is possible to get sales through traditional spending methods, they don’t work nearly as well. Keep in mind that the book was written … Read more

Zero to One Summary (9/10)

Zero to One explains how our business foundations are misplaced. We grow up to learn to embrace competition but is competition really good? When we think of starting a business, we can’t help but think about how we’re going to be better than what’s already out there.  We feel as if there is something truly … Read more

The E-Myth Revisited Summary (6/10)

The E-Myth Revisited points out that the biggest problem in business is when people try to defend what they think they know instead of trying to find out what they don’t know. A lot of business people don’t have enough knowledge in marketing, management, accounting, etc.. But that isn’t their biggest crutch, it’s thinking that … Read more

Maps of Meaning 2 Notes

My Notes For Maps Of Meaning 2 (2017) – Jordan Peterson My Notes For Maps Of Meaning 2 (2017) – Jordan Peterson   Maps of Meaning 2 – Fallible Conscience The introduction to Jiminy Cricket appears in Maps of Meaning 2. He is Pinocchio’s clumsy fallible conscience. While imperfect, the conscience (bug) is My Notes … Read more