Part 2: Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability (The Art of Seduction)

If you are constantly maneuvering, and over aggressive, you will drive your targets away. By appearing bashful, fragile, you can get them to fall for you. People misunderstand Casanova, he was not someone who constantly pursued woman, but he was being pursued by them. He had some qualities that revealed his weaknesses and women found … Read more

Part 2: Create a Need – Stir Anxiety and Discontent (The Art of Seduction)

“What can Love be then?” I said. “A mortal?” “Far from it.” “Well, what?” “As in my previous examples, he is half-way between mortal and immortal.” What sort of being is he then, Diotima?” “He is a great spirit, Socrates; everything that is of the nature of a spirit is half-god and half- man.” . … Read more