Chapter 12: The Law of Religion (Sapiens)

Polytheism Polytheism is open-minded, it rarely persecutes ‘heretics’ and ‘infidels.’ Even when polytheists conquered large empires, they did not try to convert anyone. The Romans refused to tolerate the monotheistic god of the Christians, however. They did not require the Christians to give their beliefs up, but they did expect them to respect the empire’s … Read more

Chapter 11: Imperial Visions (Sapiens)

We think empires are evil, but are they? An empire is a political order. To qualify as an empire, you must rule over different peoples – each with their unique cultural identity and territory. The other requirement is to have flexible borders and an unlimited appetite. Modern day Britain has well-defined borders, but 100 years … Read more

Chapter 10: The Scent of Money (Sapiens)

Money lets people convert everything to almost anything they want. Money is superior to bartering because when there are many strangers, the system doesn’t work. Only a small range of products can be exchanged through a barter system, but a complex economy of goods and services cannot. Some societies tried to find a way around … Read more

Chapter 9: The Arrow of History (Sapiens)

The Arrow of History The novels by Charles Dickens teach us that the liberal regimes of 19th century Europe gave much importance to individual freedom, even if it meant throwing poor families in prison, and leaving orphans no choice but to join pickpocket schools. Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s work shows us how Communism’s love for egalitarianism resulted … Read more

Chapter 7: Memory Overload (Sapiens)

Football is a sport that children seem to play quite easily, but there is no football gene that they inherited. They can only play because they learned the rules of the game and they live in a place where other children have also learned these rules. All social systems, financial and legal, are based on … Read more

Chapter 6: Building Pyramids (Sapiens)

History is something that very few people have been doing while everyone else was ploughing fields and carrying water buckets. Some argue that the agricultural revolution resulted in a period of great prosperity for human beings, a glorious turning point. Others say it was a curse. What we know for certain is that like any … Read more