The Art of Invisibility Summary

“The Art of Invisibility” is a book that teaches us how to be careful online. It shows us the risks of using the internet and how our information can be found and used by others. This book is good for anyone who wants to keep their personal stuff safe while using computers and phones. It’s … Read more

Wars Shape Destiny: Cyberwarfare

What’s a Zero Day? Think of zero days like secret doors in software that even the makers don’t know about. These are hidden flaws that hackers can use to break into systems and cause problems before anyone knows there’s an issue. The Birth of Zero Days Zero days have been around as long as computers … Read more

The Changing World Order – Summary (7/10)

Ray Dalio’s book, “The Changing World Order,” talks about how big countries and empires have grown strong and then fallen over time. He looks closely at history, money, and government to see patterns in how these big powers rise and fall. Dalio knows a lot about global markets and uses this knowledge to explain what’s … Read more

Wars Shape Destiny: Technology

War, often described as the darkest aspect of human endeavor, paradoxically shines as a potent catalyst for technological innovation. This relentless pursuit of advantage on the battlefield has inadvertently propelled humanity into new realms of scientific discovery and technological advancement. The primary motivator in this surge of innovation during wartime is the relentless quest for … Read more

The Matter with Things – Summary (8/10)

In his compelling work “The Matter With Things,” Iain McGilchrist presents a revolutionary perspective on how our understanding and interaction with the world are deeply influenced by the intrinsic architecture of our brain. At the heart of this exploration is the brain’s division into two hemispheres, each possessing distinct but complementary modes of processing reality. … Read more

Prospect Theory

“Why do smart people make bad financial choices? Could it be that the very foundation of how we think about economics and decision-making is missing a crucial piece of the human puzzle?” “Prospect Theory is a revolutionary idea in the world of economics. Think of it like a new lens for seeing how people make … Read more

The Trial of Henry Kissinger Summary (8/10)

In “The Trial of Henry Kissinger,” Christopher Hitchens plays the role of prosecutor, historian, and moralist, weaving a narrative that is as much an indictment of a man as it is of a system that allowed, and perhaps encouraged, his alleged transgressions. The Litany of Charges Hitchens’ primary accusations against Kissinger are not merely the … Read more

Wars Shape Destiny: Money (Part 2)

One notable historical example of merchants selling arms and armor at high prices during the Middle Ages can be found in the context of the Italian city-states, particularly Venice and Genoa, during the 12th to 14th centuries. Venetian and Genoese Arms Trade: Example of the Crusades: Quality and Price of Arms and Armor: Impact on … Read more

Wars Shape Destiny – Money (Part 1)

War isn’t just about fighting; it’s also about money. Some people make a lot of money when there’s a war. They sell guns, tanks, and other things that are used in fighting. This might sound wrong because war causes so much pain and suffering, but it’s true. There are companies and groups that get richer … Read more