Animal Farm Summary (7/10)

“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” Animal farm by George Orwell is a story about communism. The animals represented the workers who toiled all day, with the humans their capitalistic overlords, living from the fruits of the animals’ labor without giving them fair compensation. To make things worse, Mr. Jones was … Read more

Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious Summary (8/10)

Jung departed from Freud’s theories about the unconscious because he believed that the unconscious contents of the psyche consisted of inherited knowledge of archetypes, in addition to contents that were derived from the individual’s conscious life. In Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Jung explains the reasons for his departure, and gives us a detailed discussion … Read more

The Shadow, and The Anima

The Shadow True, whoever looks into the mirror of the water will see first of all his own face. Whoever goes to himself risks a confrontation with himself. The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the … Read more

What are the Achetypes and the Collective Unconscious?

The Collective Unconscious Your mind is made up of your conscious self and the unconscious. Your unconscious influences your thoughts and behavior without your conscious consent, it is the hand behind the curtain. But what is the unconscious? Jung diverged from the materialistic and restricted definition of unconsciousness that was the consensus among psychologists. He … Read more

The Jordan Peterson vs Matt Dillahunty Debate

Peterson vs Dillahunty When Jordan Peterson debated Matt Dillahunty, what unfolded was a fascinating discussion about morality. Peterson didn’t seem very calm during this debate as he usually does, in fact, he seemed a little anima-possessed, constantly interrupting Dillahunty before the latter made his points.  In the same way Peterson got stuck with Sam Harris … Read more

Candide Summary (7/10)

Candide by Voltaire is a satire about a young, good-natured, naïve man (Candide) who faces a series of tragedies. Candide was tutored by an old philosopher and author (Pangloss) who instilled in him the idea that “everything is the way it should be” and that they lived in the “best of possible worlds.” There is … Read more