Law 9: Confront Your Dark Side (The Laws of Human Nature)

The Law of Repression People are not what they seem. Beneath their polite exterior is a dark side filled with insecurities and aggressive, selfish impulses that are repressed and carefully concealed. Richard Nixon Richard Nixon was a man who publicly valued the ideals of hard work, ambition and resilience. He set an example for others and … Read more

Law 8: Change Your Circumstances by Changing Your Attitude (The Laws of Human Nature)

The Law of Self-Sabotage The greatest discovery of my generation is the fact that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. William James Anton Chekhov came from a poor family in Russia. His father was a merchant by had an artist’s temperament, he drank frequently and took out his anger … Read more

What Do You Really Want?

There is an interesting recording of Alan Watts where he discusses three ideas that touch on the question: What do you really want? Of course, there is nothing original about the question itself. But there was wisdom in the way Alan Watts addressed it. He talked about several concepts worth reflecting on. The first is … Read more

Law 7: Soften People’s Resistance (The Laws of Human Nature)

The Law of Defensiveness Lyndon Johnson had a humble background. He grew up in Texas and early on learned about the importance of hard work. In his rise to power, he exhibited all the right characteristics of a competent politician. He was studious, he attended every parliamentary session, he took detailed notes – of even … Read more

Strategy 17: Defeat Them in Detail (The 33 Strategies of War)

The Divide-And-Conquer Strategy In division there is weakness. The two things we take from this is to be wary of being divided ourselves as individuals, as groups, and to understand that the best way to fight an enemy is to divide them first. The Battle of Marathon In what was considered a defining war for … Read more

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary (7/10)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a classic by Stephan Covey that offers insights into productivity, teamwork, and self-management. Few books I can think of truly has the capacity to transform people the way this book does, not only because of the value of the ideas themselves, but because of the style in … Read more