Chapter 6: The Modern Covenant (Homo Deus)

The deal of modernity is simple: it is the exchange of meaning for power. Throughout history, we have believed that we were part of a cosmic plan. This plan gave people’s lives meaning but placed strict limits on what they could do. Modern culture rejects this belief – the new belief is that life has … Read more

Chapter 5: The Odd Couple (Homo Deus)

Science and religion are an odd couple. Ancient religious myths were helpful when they called people into action that was beneficial to them but were not objectively true. Modern science is a collective story, but it is not a myth – it is based on reality. Antibiotics will cure infections whether you believe in them … Read more

Chapter 4: The Storytellers (Homo Deus)

The World of Stories Humans experience the physical world, but also live in the world of stories (money, gods, nations, corporations). Technology in the next century will likely make these fictions more powerful. Our ability to tell stories started during the Cognitive Revolution 70,000 years ago – when we could talk about things that existed … Read more

Chapter 3: The Human Spark (Homo Deus)

Why do humans think they are superior to animals? Is There a Human Spark? Scientists have not found that humans or animals have souls, but scientists doubt the existence of souls not because of lack of evidence but because the idea of “soul” contradicts fundamental principles of evolution. This is why the theory of evolution … Read more

Chapter 2: The Anthropocene (Homo Deus)

The Garden of Eden In the Garden of Eden myth, humans are punished for their curiosity and wish to gain knowledge. God expels them from paradise. But in the myth about Newton and the apple, nobody berates the scientist for his efforts – just the opposite. Teachers all over the world propagate the story of … Read more

Chapter 1: The New Human Agenda (Homo Deus)

The End of Homo Sapiens Across time, wars have become responsible for less deaths. Sugar has become more dangerous than gunpowder. Whereas in ancient agricultural societies human violence caused about 15 per cent of all deaths, during the twentieth century violence caused only 5 per cent of deaths, and in the early twenty-first century it … Read more

The Ascent of Money Summary (9/10)

The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson is the story of how money developed throughout history- and how the world was shaped and reshaped by the many financial innovations that accompanied our dependence on money. There have been countless failures in finance, but the general trend has consistently been upwards. The Foundations of Finance In … Read more

The Problem of Knowledge

In Beijing, a debate took place between billionaires Jack Ma and Elon Musk. There was no moderator, it was just two unrestrained egos dueling. Some moments were awkward, almost comedic, but inadvertently so. The debate was about the future of jobs and life: what skills are going to be needed, and what we should be … Read more

Skin in the Game Summary (8/10)

Taleb’s Incerto concludes with Skin In The Game. This book makes the argument that some people, who are not engaging directly with reality, are not capable of understanding risks. This class of people includes academics (especially in the social sciences), bureaucrats, and advisers. What these people have in common is that they are isolated from … Read more