The Female Brain Summary (6/10)

The Female Brain Summary The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine is about how female brains differ from male brains. Studies around the world showed that women are more likely to be depressed than men are by a ratio of 2:1. As a medical student, Brizendine thought this was because of the patriarchal oppression of women, … Read more

Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step Summary (6/10)

Edward de Bono is known for his books about thinking. He coined the term “lateral thinking” that is now commonplace. An Introduction to Lateral Thinking De Bono wrote in the 1960’s when creativity was considered rare. He thought that lateral thinking could be an “insight tool” for solving problems. The concept of lateral thinking emerged … Read more

Why is Sex Fun? Summary (7/10)

Why is Sex Fun? by Jared Diamond tries to explain a seemingly obvious question contained in the title. To most people, the answer is obvious and needs no further explanation. People have sex all the time, because sex is fun, there’s nothing else to explain. But to a scientist like Diamond, this answer is not … Read more

Week 4 of Wisdom: Everyone is Biased

The Perfect Channel I have a question for you. Let’s say you wanted to create a media channel that was unbiased, scientific, truthful, fact based, insightful – what would it look like? How would it be different from what currently exists? How would it be funded? And how would it protect itself? Perhaps it would … Read more

The Future (The Story of the Human Body)

Even though the human body has come a long way, the journey is far from over. What will the future look like? Will our technologies cure cancer, solve the obesity epidemic, and make people healthier and happier? Or are we headed towards a dystopia as described in WALL-E, where people are chronically ill weaklings who … Read more

Germs (The Story of the Human Body)

The Story of Germs Most people think germs are invisible pests that cause disease. The less of them, the better. We disinfect our homes, food, and bodies with a collection of germ-killing weapons, including soap, bleach, and antibiotics. No one questions the assumption that cleaner is healthier. And for good reason. Sanitation and antibiotics has … Read more

Evolutionary Medicine (The Story of the Human Body)

The emerging and important new field of evolutionary medicine proposes that we have created an environment that is not well matched for our bodies. While farming led to more food and modern sanitation and medicine led to less infant mortality and increased longevity, there have been many cultural changes that have changed the interactions between … Read more