Unmasking the Psyche

Over the past century, psychology has become one of the most respected and widely-studied scientific disciplines. In recent years, psychologists have made groundbreaking strides in our understanding of human behavior, cognition, and emotion. While the field of psychology has come a long way, there is still much to learn. For example, psychologists are just beginning … Read more

The Discovery of the Unconscious Summary (10/10)

The Discovery of the Unconscious is a book that explores the history of the dynamic psychiatry. It starts with an introduction to Mesmer (responsible for Hypnotism), and then transitions to Janet, who’s main contribution was explaining neuroses and hysteria by deviations in mental energy. Then we are introduced to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic revolution – his … Read more

Chapter 5: On the Threshold of a New Dynamic Psychiatry (The Discovery of the Unconscious)

The 19th century gave birth to a new dynamic psychiatry. At the time, Europe was a society that was dominated by men. It was a world for men by men, and women had no say in politics and were not admitted into universities. Male values were celebrated. Among the aristocracy, women and men who had … Read more