7 Practices for Good Gut Health

  1. Squat the Right Way: Squatting has been the natural defecation position from time immemorial. Incline upper body slightly, place feet on low foot rest placed in front of toilet. 
  2. Brush your Teeth: Brushing at bedtime reduces mouth bacteria. Morning brushing is like cleaning up after last night’s party. Saliva is basically filtered blood. We produce a little amount of saliva when we sleep (that’s why bad breath, sore throat is common in the morning). 
  3. Switch Over: If you’re kept awake by a bloated stomach and you’re lying on your right side, the best thing to do is to turn over. 
  4. Stand up after a Big Meal: Sitting or standing up straight can help prevent heartburn after a large meal. Difficulty breathing after a heavy meal, due to the heart and lungs that sit on top of the stomach. 
  5. Endure to Burn Fat: Human cells adore fat (it is the last to be consumed) – hence why an hour of exercise is needed before fat burn begins. 
  6. Limit Fruits: Too much fructose can be bad (limit diet to less than the equivalent of 8 bananas, 6 apples, or 5 pears)
  7. Quit Smoking: Cigarette smoke can trigger excess gastric acid and relax the sphincter between the esophagus and smoking. That is why quitting smoking can reduce reflux and heartburn complaints.

From Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ

Tip: Cook with stainless steel.

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"A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry yes" - Gracian